Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Death to the Ad Page Redirects, and Thanks for a Great Three Months!

By: Scott Barkett

"Just try and redirect my browser away from The Bottom Up!"

It has been an amazing first three months here at The Bottom Up.

We could not be more thrilled with the feedback we have received from loyal podcast listeners and those who read our written pieces. Even better, the fine folks at RealCavsFans.com have partnered with us over the past month or so to run our more Cavs-centered podcasts over on their shores as well. Needless to say, that has been a fantastic way for Logan and I to build our audience and engage with a larger cut of the Cavaliers fan base.

Also, we have been lucky enough to have a couple of our blog posts make it into WaitingForNextYear.com's daily "While We're Waiting..." blog roundup, which has also helped us to broaden our audience and increase our traffic.

This experience has been, as a good friend says, aces...

...except for one thing....

Since the start of the blog, there had been an issue where without an ad-blocker in your browser the page would occasionally redirect to an ad. If you found this annoying (and you did, because who wouldn't?) then I promise you that it hit me ten times harder in the feels. Logan and I have spent a lot of time to make this site look clean, engaging, and professional. A website that regularly redirects you to an ad page is anything but that--it reeked of the seedy underbelly of the interwebs and, candidly, was unacceptable.

But this post brings good news, friend!

After scouring through the catacombs of the Google machine and lines and lines of HTML that I only vaguely comprehended, I was finally able to figure out the root cause of our redirect issues. You see, we had installed a sidebar widget that allowed you to share our website to your favorite social media platforms. Unbeknownst to us, that widget also had some shady advertising code that created a sidebar ad (I assumed that was a Blogger default ad), and also prompted the redirects.

With a few keystrokes the crappy ad code was stunned. Whip crack with his whoopy tail, and the beast was done.

So, anyways, long story short you will no longer have to fear the crappy advertising redirect gods while browsing The Bottom Up, and we sincerely apologize for any annoyance that such shenanigans caused you over the past few months!

Thanks for your continued support of TBU and don't forget to subscribe on iTunes!

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